01800 8 gebesa
Curved reception unit 145 x 64 x 44” Prime
Reception desk 67 x 28 x 44" Prime
Curved reception unit 93 x 37 x 30” Prime
Reception unit 67 x 67 x 44" Prime
L-desk 60 x 64 x 30" Prime
Curvilinear U-group 61 x 78 x 30" Prime
L-group with hutch 82.5 x 72 x 72" Prime
U-group with hutch 72 x 96 x 72" Prime
Curvilinear U-group with hutch and storage 135 x 96 x 72" Prime
Curvilinear U-group with hutch 105 x 106 x 72" Prime
6 Doors kit for open hutch 13 x 15.5" Prime
2 Lateral file shared top 60 x 19.6 x 1.1" Prime
Lateral file top 30 x 19.6 x 1.1" Prime
4 Doors kit for open hutch 17 x 15.5" Prime
4 Doors kit for open hutch 15 x 15.5" Prime
2 Doors kit for overhead 19 x 15" Prime Acrylic
2 Doors kit for overhead 16 x 15" Prime Acrylic
2 Doors kit for overhead 15 x 15" Prime Acrylic
2 Doors kit for overhead 13 x 15" Prime Acrylic
2 Doors kit for overhead 10 x 15" Prime Acrylic